!±8±Big Mouth Pro Juice Extractor
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Price : $109.53
Post Date : Dec 26, 2011 16:05:15
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In the old days, the act of fasting was done mainly by the Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim populations of the world. In the present time though, with a better understanding of what a fast does, many more people across the globe have begun fasting because of the great detoxifying benefits it offers the body. Simply put there are two types of fasting a juice fast and a water fast. We will only focus on a juice fast to thoroughly examine what to expect when you begin to participate in your own 30 day juice cleanse. We know it offers many benefits, but what exactly? Keep on reading to find out.
Stage One, Days 1-3
I'm going to cut to the chase. Stage one is one of the most difficult stages during this month-long fast. Most people quit during these first few days because of the intense hunger and headaches. People are easily irritated during this period because of light-headedness, queasiness, and bad breath. It's okay though because after the rain stops and the sun starts shining you will feel like when you were a kid in grade school.
Stage 2, Days 4-7
All right stage 2 is here and you have finally gotten over those hunger pains. Is it smooth sailing from here on out? Sorry to disappoint but the answer is "No". Your body has finally begun its rigorous cleansing and you will feel some of the effects from it. Some major ones include acne and a white coated tongue followed by some sores in your mouth. This is happens because the body uses the skin and the mouth as gateways to rid yourself from the toxins. There are a few methods you can use to treat these symptoms such as regular aloe vera gel for acne and anti-bacterial gargle and rinse for your mouth.
Stage 3, Days 8-15
You are now nearing the end of the first half of the month-long juice fast and finally you are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Stage 3 is very important because of a few major points that occur during these days. These include:
Soreness in the muscles Canker sores in the mouth Getting rid of dead tissues
The soreness can be explained by the irritants from the toxins that are escaping the body. It is temporary and is not extreme. The canker sores happen because like stated earlier, many toxins are escaping through the mouth. The most important part of this stage is the last bullet point. Getting rid of dead tissues becomes a source of energy for your body and after 2 weeks of no cooked solid food it starts to feast on dead cells and tissues. This is great news because after its done removing, it starts replacing with live, healthy tissues. Unfortunately, while its feasting on your tissues, some pain is felt and depending on your situation and needs, the range of the pain goes from barely noticeable to "I think I'm dying". A good rule to follow is: the more serious injuries such as broken bones or deep cuts, the more pain you will feel. This is due to how healthy you were when the injury happened. If you were a bad eater and was getting lousy nutrition, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you are going to be in a world of pain. But if you were making the right choices and was healthy at the time of injury, you might not feel any pains at all.
Stage 4, The Final Stage, Days 16-30
The last stage is the most rewarding of all stages. Anticipate clean smelling breath with a nice pinkish, reddish tongue. Most days during this stage are filled with greatly increased energy and great ability to focus on anything you want. More importantly, the body will reconstruct the areas where it had previously removed the dead tissues. It will place healthy tissues which help your engines run smoothly like when you were a teenager. Congratulations on your juice fast. You have proven that you have the inner strength and ability to avoid consuming any cooked solid foods for an entire month. Remember to not eat everything you see when you are done as this can cause you to get sick. To efficiently break the fast eat only soft fruits on the 31st day. The next day add some veggies, and the next some soups and salads. After about a week of eating lightly your digestive system will be adjusted to food and you can eat whatever you want. To maintain the weight loss and increased energy, make sure to work out regularly and to keep drinking fresh juice from a juice extractor every day.
You will see that there are many brands and models of electric juicers on the market and it may be a bit overwhelming to figure out which one is best for your needs, especially if you are choosing your first juice extractor. However, when it comes down to it, all these different electric juice machines fall into two basic kinds -
1) Masticating Juice Extractors
2) Centrifugal Juice Extractors
Centrifugal Juicers
The famous Jack LaLanne power juicer machines are an example of a centrifugal juicer. These machines operate at very high RPM's and juice very quickly. This makes them the ideal choice for those short on time. The high speed motor spins a circular disc style blade that acts very similar to a cheese grater. The blade is made up of many small sharp holes that grinds down fruits and vegetables to release the juice. The high RPM's also create a centrifugal force that separates the pulp from the juice.
The main pros of centrifugal juicers is that they are easy to use and don't require much muscle on the users behalf and they are fast. Also, they are the cheapest kind of electric juicing machine. Adding these pros together makes these juicers a popular choice for beginners.
On the downside, centrifugal juicers are very noisy because of the high speed at which they run. They high speed also creates friction and heat that will kill off some of the antioxidants and enzymes in fruits and vegetables.
Masticating Juicers
Masticating juicers are more expensive, high end juice extractors that are popular with juicing purists and those whose aim is to create the most nutritious juices. These juicers run at very slow RPMs compared to centrifugal juice extractors so they produce much less heat. Therefore they preserve a lot more of the antioxidants and enzymes in fruits and vegetables to deliver a more nutritious health promoting drink. Masticating juicers make this possible because they don't use a high speed spinning blade but rather a single gear system that squeezes and churns the juice out of fruits and vegetables slowly. This also produces a higher juice yield than centrifugal juice extractors.
The main downsides of masticating juice extractors is that they require a little more muscle to get fruits and vegetables through and this also increases the time it takes to make a juice. These juice machines also tend to be heavier.
*There is also one more type of juice extractor that takes the masticating method one step further and uses two gears. This increases the juice yield a little more and preserves nutrients a little better. These juicer machines are known as triturating juice extractors or twin gear juicers and are the most expensive kind.
If you're wondering how on earth you're ever going to eat your "Minimum Daily Requirement" of fruits and vegetables each day, here's a quick and easy solution. Juicing!
The "MDR" varies according to your age, but to simplify it's about 2-3 cups each of fruits and vegetables for adult men and a half cup less of each for women. But remember that the "M" in MDR stands for the minimum amount needed to maintain a healthy body as determined by the US Department of Agriculture nutritional research, not the optimum amount that makes you feel your best!
Whether your goal is minimum or optimum, juicing is the fastest way to ingest and absorb all the nutrients in fruits and vegetables. One pound of produce makes just one cup of fresh juice, so a glass or two a day will do it! And because juicing separates the juice from the fiber, your body absorbs more nutrients faster than if you had eaten the fruit or vegetable whole. And keep in mind that store-bought juice must be pasteurized. This process destroys many good nutrients such as enzymes. And commercially made juice is not fresh or chemical-free.
Juicing is also the best way to ingest green vegetables. These are considered "superfoods" because they are packed with minerals, protein, and alkalizing nutrients, but they are not very tasty. You can simply eliminate their bitter taste by juicing them with other more flavorful foods such as carrots, apples, berries, and bananas.
You can use your creative juices and experiment with fruit and vegetable combinations that suit your taste. If you're worried about wasting time and expensive produce on combos that might taste terrible, just pick up a juicing recipe book to guide you. It will also provide combinations that prevent and even fight a wide variety of illnesses.
Here are my absolute favorite vegetable juice recipes - one for the sweet tooth and one that's spicy:
Sweet Veggie Juice
6 carrots - only peel half the surface!
2 stalks celery - with the greens!
2 sprigs mint or 1"ginger
Spicy Veggie Juice
2 tomatoes - skin and all!
1 carrot
1 stalk celery
½ beet
1 leaf spinach
½ handful fresh parsley
4 sprigs watercress
sea salt and pepper to taste
Worcestershire sauce to taste
Horseradish to taste
Remember to wash your produce to reduce pesticides. Better yet use your own garden grown or farmers' market organic produce to eliminate chemicals altogether. Even large grocery stores now have organic lines of fruits and vegetables - they cost a bit more, but your health is well worth it!
Most juicing appliances are made to be durable so you can juice stems and seeds without harming the appliance. Pits and large seeds should be removed as well as hard husks and skins. Most juicers will clog if you throw in a banana or avocado, so place these in a blender and then combine it with your juiced produce. If you don't want to buy a juicer, you can use a blender but you have to strain the juice or it tastes sandy!
Some people juice entire citrus fruits, rind and all, such as lemons, limes, oranges, and even grapefruit! I'm not one of them. I discard the peel, but I do juice that white pith which is packed with nutrients. Melons also can be juiced in their entire, just beware that the skin adds bitterness to the flavor.
And one more quick tip, don't bother to store your juice by refrigerating or freezing - most of the nutrients value is lost after 24 hours. Some foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, and melon, start losing their nutrients right after you juice them. So it's best to drink your fresh juice right away. If you must store something, freeze the produce, not the juice.
Absolutely nothing is more thirst quenching and good for you - and your children! - than a quick glass of home-made juice. And with juicing, there's no cooking and no pans to clean. So start juicing today!
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From Hamilton Beach , this Big Mouth professional Juice Extractor fits whole foods for fast, easy juicing. It has a powerful 1 HP motor, extra-large pulp bin, Stainless Steel strainer basket and dishwasher safe parts. Comes with juice cup and cleaning brush. Easy to assemble and store.
Greens get you clean and many Raw Food Vegans know the importance of getting your greens. However, many people including Raw Food Vegans hate green food and it is because we have not developed a taste for them.
Getting your greens are very important to your overall health. Studies support the well established, health-enhancing effects of green foods. These benefits include elimination of toxins (such as heavy metals), metabolizing of fats, regulating levels of good bacteria (such as Lactobacilli) and boosting immunity.
So, let's take a look at some ways you can increase your intake of greens. Here we will also explore some great recipes for getting your greens:
1. Green Smoothies:
Teaspoon of Wheatgrass powder or 1/4 cup of fresh wheat grass juice
2 Frozen chopped peaches (freeze fresh chopped peaches)
¼ cup of blueberries
3 tablespoons of Grade A maple syrup
½ cup of orange juice (fresh squeezed)
Put all ingredients in a high quality blender and blend.
2. Juicing Greens (great for energy)
With a juicer you can enjoy the following:
1 cups of juiced collard greens
2 golden apples
1 carrot
1 stalk of celery
Juice with a high quality juicer and serve.
3. Green Spirulina Shakes:
1/2 Frozen Banana
1 cup of Strawberries
1/2 Blackberries
1 Tablespoon of Spirulina
1 cup of fresh squeezed orange juice
Put all ingredients in a high quality blender and blend.
4. Green Nut Loaf:
2 cups of raw soaked walnuts (drained)
1 teaspoon of spirulina powder
1 clove of garlic
¼ cup chopped bell pepper
¼ cup of green onions
¼ cup of soaked Sun-dried tomatoes
¼ teaspoon Chili powder
¼ teaspoon Cumin
Sea salt
1 tables spoon Nama shoya or Liquid Amino
(The Loaf) Blend in a food processor with S-blade nuts, spirulina powder, garlic, Nama shoya or liquid amino, half of a garlic glove, bell pepper, onion, cumin, and chili powder until all is combined.
(The Sauce) Soak sun dried tomatoes until soft but kind of chewy. Blend in a food processor blender, 1 tablespoon of Nama Shoya or liquid amino with garlic and sun-dried tomatoes. Sea Salt to taste.
(Making the loaf) Form the loaf to your desired shape (easy to form), put sauce on top of nut loaf. Place nut loaf in dehydrator and dehydrate overnight.
Now that's a great way to get your greens. Remember, greens are high in chlorophyll and chlorophyll has a molecular structure similar to human blood. The life of your cells depends on you getting your greens. So if you have a family, one or more of the above recipes may be beneficial to you and the ones you love.
Healthy, fresh-squeezed juice and vegetable drinks are worth the time and effort and now, Hamilton Beach® engineers have removed both the time and effort by moving the best features of the Big Mouth? food processor into juice extractors.
Healthy, fresh-squeezed juice and vegetable drinks are worth the time and effort and now, Hamilton Beach engineers have removed both the time and effort by moving the best features of the Big Mouth food processor into juice extractors.
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Getting all of the nutrition and anti-oxidants your body requires for maximum health is very easy, once you start eating raw plant-based foods every day, and one of the easiest ways to do this consecutively is to drink vegans juices. These recipes are among the easy raw recipes, you will find, just mix them up and chug them down.
You will start feeling the powerful effects immediately, and this article gives you so many recipes to prepare different healthy vegan juices that you will never run out of variety. This article is perfect for starters and fun for dabblers, but a perfect for anybody seriously considering a full or high-raw lifestyle.
You know vegans, they do not eat or drink anything to do with anything that comes from animals, not meat or fish, not milk or eggs, not leather or fur, not even honey from bees. In my opinion, hens have to lay eggs and cows need to be milked and bees have to make honey anyway, so what's the big issue, but whatever, no vegans have ever looked to me to prove their choices.
Anyhow, this limits options on meal ingredients, leaving many of things to be dealt with using our friend the soybean. Tofu, soy milk, soy ice cream, ,those fake hot dogs, I do not really know what else. All I do know is that vegans do not have their food touched by nasty animal juices. And I think it's kind of fun to needle people with really strict lifestyle choices, especially those groups that get real militant about them, vegans being some of the worst offenders.
So it gave me an evil chuckle to watch the ham and eggs for my breakfast sandwich frying up with the tofu wedges for the day's vegetarian dishes and vegan juices at the grill around the corner. Oh yeah, they were getting all mixed around, sharing vegan juices and grease, it was great.
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Whether you're throwing your own bash or attending someone else's, here are five easy vegan dip recipes to start the celebration off with a "Yum!"
1 (15oz) can garbanzo beans
1/4 c water or garbanzo liquid
1 clove garlic
1 t lemon juice
1 t salt
1 t black pepper
Rinse and drain garbanzo beans, keeping the juice if you wish to use it. Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until smooth.
Black Bean Dip
1 (15oz) can black beans
1 clove garlic
1 small onion
1 c prepared salsa
1/3 c fresh cilantro
olive oil
Rinse and drain black beans. Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Pulse to desired consistency, adding olive oil as needed for moisture. Salt to taste.
2 ripe avocados
2 cloves garlic
juice of one lime
1/2 red onion, diced
1/2 cup prepared salsa (optional)
salt and pepper
Peel and remove seeds from avocados. Finely chop garlic, or use a garlic press. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mash with a fork. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix and enjoy.
2-3 medium tomatoes, cubed into small pieces
1 small onion, chopped
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
1 small jalapeno pepper, diced fine
1 clove garlic
juice of 1 lime
1/2 t cumin
dash chili powder
salt and pepper
Combine tomatoes, onion, cilantro and pepper. Chop garlic fine or use a garlic press. Add to tomato mixture with lime juice, cumin and chili powder. Toss together. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Spinach Dip
1 pint vegan sour cream
2 c vegan mayonnaise
1 package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
3 cloves pressed garlic
1 packet onion soup mix
salt and pepper
Mix together vegan sour cream, mayonnaise, spinach, garlic and soup mix. Add salt and pepper to taste.
These dips can be served with tortilla chips, or you can be a little more adventurous. Slice up carrots, celery, cucumbers and red, green or yellow peppers for dipping, and add a little color to the festivities. Happy munching!
Whether you are a novice juicer or you have been juicing for a long time I believe that you will be happy with the Hamilton Beach 67650h big mouth pro juice extractor. You can juice just about any fruit or veggie that you can think of with this juicer. There are so many different juices that you can make so you will never be bored with a certain taste. If you are like me you probably have got a certain kind of juice that you have bought from the store over and over just because you do not want to buy a big thing of juice and then find out you don't like it.
With the Hamilton Beach 67650h big mouth pro juice extractor you will be able to make a little bit from whatever fruit or vegetables that you have, try it and if you like it you can make more and if you do not like it then you do not have to make more. It's all really up to you so go wild. Try things that you may not think you will like and you may find your new favorite. This is just one of the perks of having the Hamilton beach 67650h big mouth pro juice extractor.
The Hamilton beach 67650h big mouth pro juice extractor has an extra large capacity feed chute so it really can take on those whole fruits and vegetables. Some juicers are not strong enough for this and will make you have to cut up the fruit before you throw them in. That's not fun! I thought they were supposed to be doing the work and not me!
If you are thinking about power then the Hamilton beach 67650h big mouth pro juice extractor has got it! 1.1 horsepower will allow your new Hamilton beach 67650h big mouth pro juice extractor to run strong as long as you want to keep juicing and keep putting out great results that you can taste!
If you have a dishwasher you will be happy to know that the pulp bin isn't only large but it is also dishwasher safe. Just throw it in there with your other dishes and you're ready to go for another juicing.
If you are wondering about the cons of the machine there really was not much to be said about that by customers. One person did mention that it did not come with a cup but I believe that all of us should be able to find a cup somewhere in our houses.
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